2 research outputs found

    Safeguarding the Dynamic Legal Position of Children: A Matter of Age Limits?

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    In this article a critical reflection upon age limits applied in the law is provided, in light of the tension that exists in international children’s rights law between the protection of children and the recognition of their evolving autonomy. The main research question that will be addressed is to what extent the use of (certain) age limits is justified under international children’s rights law. The complexity of applying open norms and theoretically underdeveloped concepts as laid down in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, related to the development and evolving capacities of children as rights holders, will be demonstrated. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child struggles to provide comprehensive guidance to states regarding the manner in which the dynamic legal position of children should be applied in practice. The inconsistent application of age limits that govern the involvement of children in judicial procedures provides states leeway in granting children autonomy, potentially leading to the establishment of age limits based on inappropriate – practically, politically or ideologically motivated – grounds

    Palestijnse Kinderen en Militaire Detentie [Palestinian Children and Military Detention]

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    Dit rapport heeft tot doel bijzondere aandacht te vragen van de Nederlandse regering, in het bijzonder de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, voor de praktijken van arrestatie, verhoor, detentie en berechting van Palestijnse kinderen door de Israëlische militaire autoriteiten op de Westelijke Jordaanoever. Hiermee beoogt het rapport de Minister ertoe aan te zetten om, in diens betrekkingen met de Israëlische and Palestijnse autoriteiten, en waar mogelijk in Europese Unie-verband, te bevorderen dat arrestatie, verhoor, detentie en ebrechting van Palestijnse kinderen door de Israëlische militaire autoriteiten uitsluitend plaats vindt in overeenstemming met de internationaal erkende rechten van het kind en de daarbij behorende standaarden